Back in December I shared a music video from the band Ok Go. I so highly value creativity, art, and music that I could post on something like that every week, but I hold back. Recently, though, our Leading by DESIGN team has been talking about innovation, which we define as creativity that brings value. So I thought I might share a series of eight short videos for another Ok Go song, “Upside Down and Inside Out.” The first in the series is the music video itself, the next seven are short behind-the-scenes looks at how they filmed the video for this song while weightless. Yup, they took a whole lot of rides on the vomit comet (aka parabolic flight, which gives times of weightlessness, times of double gravity, and times of very upset stomachs.)

If you have time to watch the series, you’ll see great examples of not only innovation and creativity, but also illustrations of the eight characteristics of a great team:

  • Common vision/goals
  • Commitment to the goals and to each other
  • Communication
  • Trust
  • Talent
  • Knowledge of yourself and others on the team
  • Chemistry
  • Grace

If you have the time, it’s a fun watch, even with your kids (although there are a few instances of bad language caused by exhaustion, so use your discretion). And if you do watch some or all of the series, look for examples of  how this team operates together in a way that’s allowed them to be successful in a highly competitive, high-pressure field for over twenty years. What might it take for your team to be so honest, committed, and trusting of each other? Hopefully not a ride on the vomit comet…

That’s all folks,

PS – I like other bands, too, just in case you were wondering. 🙂

Image by Tony Fischer Photography. Used under CC By 2.0 license.